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Become an Artist at BiBank

Get 99% of the amount paid to your by users and earn 1% extra royalties on all future sales.

Our platform charges only 1% of the BiGold you earned.


Fill the form and request minting rights, mint unlimited NFTs and sell them for any amount of BiGold you want!

Your email must match the email registered in our platform
We need this to contact you.
make sure you are the owner and designer of this art. You can upload the file on any image hosting site like imgbb.com
If you would like to share anything else let us know here.

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Good News: BiGold Liquidity Locked Forever

We have burned all our LP tokens of pancakeswap by sending it to null address on the following transaction: https://bscscan.com/tx/0x83f39b42eda74ef6fd3c2eeb942818d20e0b7210edcdb8b386e114c8b8ad9317 This will increase investor trust as it is not possible...

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Level up system is here

To help steady the price and economy in the future a level system was created by our team, you start from level 1 and you upgrade your way up to...

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NFTS Are here!

You can now mint NFTS on BiNFT market, just click NFT from the top menu, connect your MetaMask and start minting away, minting is free all you need is transaction...

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BIBANK NFT Market is launching soon, BiGold is the official currency for buying and selling NFTS, we are going to the moon! if you are interested in being an Artist...

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Mining Error Fixed

Some users had issues with mining not crediting, those issues have been fixed now, please clear your browser cache and cookies if you still have any issues. Happy mining

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Blackbox is back

Blackbox had some issue and is now fixed, sorry for the inconvenience, you can now play blackbox and earn BNB.

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